Heel Pain in Children Who Play Sports

Heel Pain in Children Who Play Sports

Heel pain is not just for adults but it can be also felt by kids. Both outdoors and indoors, young athletes remain active a year round in various competitive sports. For most of them, heel pain became a usual thing and a part of playing and winning or losing. The American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons gave advice to parents that the moment they heard their child complaining of heel pain, the first thing they should do is to bring their child to a physician for the reason that the pain can be warning symptom of a severe foot issue like heel pain in kids associated with Achilles tendonitis Adelaide.

Sever’s disease Adelaide normally takes place to children ages six to fourteen years old as their feet grow with their heel bone that is under development. While they become more interested in sports, they got a higher chance to suffer from growth-plate injuries as well as subsequent heel pain. It is especially true at the back to school period wherein doctors observe an increase in the mid and high school young athletes experiencing heel pain with both soccer and football seasons underway simultaneously.

The new bone is forming in the area at the back of the heel which is called the growth plate and the cartilage becomes vulnerable to serious inflammation from stress or strain. With repeated strains and stresses from a lot of activities to be done, the heel tends to be extremely painful.

Diagnosis for Childrens Heel Pain Can be Difficult

Although the growth plate trauma has been recognized as the main triggering factor of heel pain in the case of young individuals, the condition could be hard to diagnose. Parents must be concerned the moment they notice that their child has:

  • Pain felt in the bottom or back of his or her heel
  • Walks on his or her toes
  • Limps
  • Appears to have difficulty in joining in usual recreational activities
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To diagnose this condition, ankle and foot surgeons, examine the foot and leg of the child and usually take imaging examinations to rule out some other severe causes of heel ache like tendonitis, fractures and bursitis.

Orthodontics can help, and in many cases, mild to moderate heel pain could be relieved successfully and effectively with:

  • Anti-inflammatory medicines
  • Shoe inserts to soften the effect or pressure on your heels
  • Physical therapy
  • Stretching

In serious cases, the ankle and foot would be immobilized in the cast and in other instances, surgery might be needed.

Heel Pain in Childen Who Play Sports – Recurring Pain

Since the growth plate is under development until the child reaches the age of 14 to 15, heel pain in the case of young individuals usually returns after the treatment. On the other hand, the danger for recurrence could be lowered through choosing well-constructed shoes with some good support and restrict usage of the spiked athletic shoes, particularly on the hard fields. It’s also advised that the young athletes must avoid participating in a contest which exceeds their physical capabilities.

Consult the nearest podiatrist who is specialised in Children’s Heel pain or heel spur treatment Adelaide for faster and better results.

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